About/Contact us

  • Come and visit us at our Warehouse: Unit 1, 19 Endeavour Drive, Kunda Park, QLD, 4556 (Sunshine Coast, Qld)
  • Phone: 07 5445 3733 or 0417 103 076
  • Email: info@salmingsport.com.au
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SalmingRunningAustralia/
  • Instagram: salmingrunningaustralia


Salming is a Swedish company that produces high performance running, squash, floorball and handball equipment. Salming has been in Europe for decades and is now available here in Australia! 

Looking for something new? Try Salming!


Salming’s personality is formed by our heritage and our roots in sports. To us, it’s all about willpower, athleticism, passion and performance. Play, and play hard. Börje Salming was never an average Joe on the ice. His heritage taught him to always deliver and never quit - no matter the cost. 


We strive to design state-of-the-art products engineered to help athletes push their limits. We embrace challenges and we never quit. The athletes we serve want to take their game to the next level, and at Salming we provide the tools to get you there.


With one of the greatest ice hockey players ever lived as founder of the brand, ”willpower” and ”taking one for the team” are obvious mantras. Our whole structure of how we do things is with raw willpower. Success does not come easy. 


Swedish design which is at the cutting edge in function, technology and appearance. Carefully developed, quality-assured products. And a team with a passion to help you progress and perform. 


Salming is the Swedish challenger with a vision to help athletes elevate their game. We are taking on the biggest sport brands in the world and we are making them sweat enough to know that Salming is here to stay.